[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5339KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 78(9): 739-755, 1977

Original article


2nd department of surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Young-jak Koo

Study on abnormal serum lipoprotein in cholestasis (LP-X) was made in 95 patients with biliary and liver disorders and 20 normal subjects. In addition, study on LP-X after ligation of common bile duct in six dogs was done.
LP-X was identified by both immunoelectrophoresis using anti Apo-C serum and Sudan Black prestaining method in 1 % Noble Agar. Lipoprotein pattern was determined by means of Ozone-Schiff zone electrophoresis.
LP-X was positive in 31 of 42 patients (73.8%) with extrahepatic biliary obstruction and none in biliary tract disease without jaundice (n = 32) or various types of hepatitis (n = 21).
Change in serum LP-X paralleled those of serum phospholipid and free cholesterol in cholestatic liver disease.
About ten days after successful operative relief of biliary tract obstruction, LP-X could no longer be demonstrated.
Hepatic decompensation in consequence of long duration of obstruction also results in disappearance of LP-X from blood stream. However, differentiation is usually not difficult because serum bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels continue to be high in the latter.
These findings could be reproduced in experimental models using dog.

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