[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 13800KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 65(3): 129-147, 1964

Original article


Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University (Director: Prof. N. Shimada)
Division of Surgery, Ota Hospital (Director: Dr. T. Hacaiya)


It is a matter of course that the clinical course of appendicitis is dependent upon systemic as well as oxgenous influences. Besides these, however, local resistance, possessed by the appendix as histological factor, is also considered to play an important role,
The author carried out pathohistological investigations on 209 cases of normal and pathological appendices, particularly on elastic fibers, with the following results:
1. In normal appendices, the formation of elastic fibers varied widely in degree, some being highly developed, while others remaining undeveloped. There was thus considerable individual difference in this respect.
2. No difference by age or sex was observed in elastic fibers in appenditical wall.
3. The formation of elastic fibers is not considered to be affecteb by such lesions as fibrosis and cicatrization. It is believed to have been determined prior to the development of the diseasa.
4. In appendicitis complicated with perforating peritortitis, the formation of elastic fibers was poor in as many as 92.8% or cases. In suppurative appendicitis, it was poor in 69.3%.
5. Appendicitic perforation is induced by toxicity of bacteria and enema. Besides these there seemed to be high probability that it selectively develops in appenditical wall, especially in elastic fibers, with low resistance.
(Author's Abstract)

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