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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 64(7): 572-592, 1963

Original article


Department of Surgery, school of Medicine, Keio gijuku university, Tokyo, Japan (Director, Prof nobukatsu Shimada)
Department of Surgeryoka, Red Cross Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan (Director, Dr Toshio Denda)


The estimation of the thyroid-gland weight is important for the therapy of the hyperthyroidism using I131. At present the method for the objective estimation depends only upon the scintigram and Allen-Goodwin's formula. But the calculated thyroid-gland weight from the scintigram has been reported error being 30% to 9% by Allen-Goodwin, Kelly, Soley etc. Therefore, the author concerning the outline of the scintigram scanned under the condition that adopted the minimum saturated point. The results obtained were as follows:
1) The geometrical condition:
i) The C.S.D is within 1 cm to 3 cm,
ii) The diameter of the collimeter is between 5 mm and 12 mm.
iii) The depth of the collimater is between 8 cm and 15 cm
The above mentined conditions made an error within 8.3% and wereuseful.
2) However, using the above mentiend, the complex stereosouree sharps made an erroa more than the geometrical conditions, and were not pract ical.
3) Accordingly, the author has obtained the excellent saturated condition which diminished the scaning speed as sloro as 78% to 66%, making an error within 10% between the calculated thyroid-weight and the original thyoid-weight in the geometrical conditions.
4) The author has investigated about the scintigrams 500 times in 300 cases. Resuets;
i) The thyroid-weight formula seintigrams in the diffusegoiters were proportionate to the size of thyroid gland.
ii) The haef of 500 thyroid seiutigrams were of asymmetrical enlargement.
iii) The digerential-diagnoses between the malignant tumor and the benign nodular goiters were as follows.
a) The defeet except the pole in the nodulan goiters seintigrams revealed no malignancy.
b) The total defect of the unilateral lobe in the nodular goiters scintigrams should be suspected of malignancy.
c) The defect of the pole and isthmirs region should be suspected of malignaucy.
iv) The metastatic carcinoma of lateral cervical lymph nodes might be probably suggested by the defect of the thyroid reintigram.
v) Whenever the cervical tumors except the thyroid glaud existed, it was found that the thyroid showed the deformity due to the oppression of cervical tumor and itsborder in the scintigram became clear.
(author abstract)

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