[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11147KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 63(1): 59-73, 1962

Original article


2nd Surgical Department, Chiba University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Komei Nakayama)


The influence of blood transfusion to circuratory system is very important problem, So, to clear the problem, I have performed blood transfusion to normal hearted peoples at various volumes and speeds and examined it's influences with Holldack-Blumberger's method.
Transfused blood volumes are divided into three kinds, that is, 50 cc, 250 cc, and 500 cc. The speeds of transfusion are divided into three groups, that is, low (1~10 cc/min), middle (11~20 cc/min) and high (21~50 cc/min)
1) The transfusion of 50 cc blood; under the speed of 50 cc/min it shows heart dynamically "Valunenreaktion", but it is temporary and soon returns to the normal state.
2) The transfusion of 250 cc blood; in the middle speed group, it shows the transition from "Valumenreaktion" to "Druckreaktion". In the high speed group, the tendency to "Druckreaktion" is more increased and the tendency of prolongation of "austreibungszeit" is decreased.
3) The transfusion of 500 cc blood; even at the speed of 20 cc/min, it shows "Druckreaktion''.
4) Changes in electrocardiogram; elevations of P and T wave and prolongation of QT interual is observed.
5) From the view point of overloading to heart, the volume and the speed of blood transfusion have mutually a correlation. As the safe speed of blood transfusion, such as speed is recommended that heart dynamically remarked "Druckreaktion'' do not accuse, that is, at the transfusion of 50 cc blood under the speed of 50 cc/min, at the transfusion of 250cc blood under 30 cc/min, at the transfusion of 500 cc blood under 20 cc/min.

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