[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16597KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 62(8): 870-888, 1961


Department of Surgery, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Prof. S. Kimoto)


The surgical significance of the intrahepatic cholangitis in the billiary tract diseases was studied on 541 patients who were admitted and operated upon in the 2nd Department of Surgery, Tokyo University School of Medicine, durirtg the period from 1947 to 1958. Histological examinations of the liver biopsies taken at operations have revealed that the causes of operative mortality, postcholecystectomy syndromes and end results were greatly influenced by the intrahepatic cholangitis. Two cases of intrahepatic obstructive jaundice were reported and its pathogenesis was discussed with special reference to the role of " Ampulla " of the bile duct and possible intrahepatic cholangitis or cholangiolitis.
In the experimental studies, infectious cholecystitis was also constantly accompanied by the intrahepatic cholangitis. The biliary infection was studied by means of injection of coli bacilli into the portal vein. The allergic cholangitis was produced by the injection of homologus liver extract with Freund's adjuvants. These changes indicate that the biliary tract is sensible to foreign antigens and the intrahepatic cholangitis occurs as the biological reaction.
In order to investigate the reaction of liver homografts, the whole liver was transplanted in dogs with the vascular anastomoses. Microscopically, the first indication of reaction is a periportal infiltration by round cells and polymorphnuclear cells.
The pathogenesis of the intrahepatic cholangitis was discussed and its surgical significance in the billary tract diseases was emphasized. (Author's abstract)

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