[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16057KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 62(8): 849-869, 1961


Surgical Department, Saiseikai Central Hospital. (Chief: Dr. Tsumoru IIZUKA)

Tsuneaki UJI

The changes in carbohydrate metabolism in the brain, liver and kidney in the dogs with burn, fractures of the extremities or cerebral trauma were investigated by means of venous catheterization, and the following results were obtained.
1) In the dogs with trauma, the process in carbohydrate metabolism retarded, while the cerebral respiratory quatient was not affected. The oxygen consumption and glucose consumption in the brain changed in parallel. Without an extreme diminution in the cerebral oxygen consumption, no abnormal carbohydrate metabolism takes place in the brain.
2) The total splanchnic (hepatic and visceral) oxygen consumption increased slightly in the dogs with trauma. Glucose output from the liver decreased with the diminished hepatic blood flow. The lactic acid-pyruvic acid ratio (L/P) in the hepatic venous blood increased. Disposal function of lactic and pyruvic acids in the liver showed no definite tendency with trauma.
3) The glucose consumption in the kidney decreased remarkably or ceased sometimes with trauma, irrespective of the changes in renal blood flow and renal oxygen consumption. In some cases the kidney put out glucose into the blood on the cotrary. These results suggest the important role of the kidney in the blood sugar balance in trauma. The disposing action of the kidney of lactic and pyruvic acids was disturbed extremely with trauma.
4) The disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism with burn appeared in each of the brain, liver, and kidney. With fractures, carbohydrate metabolism in the brain and liver was not disturbed markedly, but that in the kidney. The cerebral trauma caused marked disturbance of it in the liver and kidney as well as in the brain.
(Author's abstract)

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