[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12421KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 62(7): 732-745, 1961


Surgical Department, Keio-Gijuku University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Nobukatsu SHIMADA)


The blood vessels supplying to the greater curvature were ligated and cut off, at the pylorus and the middle of greater curature of guinea pigs. The omentum was cut off freely. After these procedures, the animals were sacrificed between 18 hours and 7 days later.
Macroscopically hemorrhages, erosions and ulcerations were observed in the region of the greater curvature with marked edema in surrounding mucosa. In the cases with hemorrhages and erosions, these changes were only localized to the surface of the mucosa. However, in the cases with typical ulcers, edema, cell-infiltration and thrombosis, were found in the submucous tissues.
It would be emphasized that the circulatory disturbances in the deeper tissue of the stomach mucosa would be important as the pathogenesis of ulceration in these experiments.
Pylorus-ligation, added to above mentioned procedures, produced not only the typical ulcers but perforation in most of them.
As I reported with my co-operators previously, chlorpromazine prevented the neurovascular disturbances, so-called Reilly's phenomenon, pathological changes in the stomach produced by these experiments were also controlled by the application of chlorpromazine.
Ligation of the bilateral urethers prevented also the occurrence of these pathological changes in the stomach. Its mechanism was still unknown, neverthless it seems that it might alternate the resistence of the stomach tissues.
(Author's abstract)

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