[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16770KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 62(6): 627-645, 1961


Saito Surgical Department, Nippon Medical School


A case of acute postoperative ulcero-hemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis, which has been reported frequently in recent years and known to produce severe symptoms and high mortality, was observed in our hospital. Experiments were carried out to clarify its etiology.
1) Ten strains of bacteria obtained in the intestinal canal of the patient were injected intraperitoneally in rats. Only proteus vulgaris with resistance to 10 u. penicillin was found to have toxic effects.
2) The toxic proteus was injected intraperitoneally or into the closed-loop, of dogs treated previously with penicillin and of dogs without such pre-treatment. In the penicillin-treated dogs, hemorrhagic diarrhea, vomiting and histological changes of gastroenteritis similar to those observed in the patient were produced.
3) When the proteus was injected in the closed-loop of dogs which had been treated with antibiotics other than penicillin, the symptoms and signs described above were not observed.
4) Following complete desinfection of the gastrointestinal canal with penicillin, streptomycin, and chloramphenicol, the proteus given orally, intraperitoneally or intra closed-loop did not cause remarkable changes.
5) Among the mixed suspentions of proteus and various intestinal bacteria (other than Salmonaella and Shigella), pseudomonas, candida albicans or staphylococcus aureus, suspentions of proteus-pseudomonas and proteus-arizona showed toxicity when injected intraperitoneally in rats. However, these two suspention injected intraperitoneally or intra closed-loop of dogs produced pathological changes and symptoms of less degree than those due to injection of proteus alone. Accordingly it was suspected that pseudomonas and arizona would significant interference.
6) Filtrate of proteus culture injected intra venously produced hypotention, hemorrhagic diarrhea and vomiting and sometimes caused death . The changes were considered to be due to thermostable inflammatory toxin and hypotensive substance contained in the filtrate.
7) None-enteritic, vomit-center stimulating substance was found in filtrate of pseudomonas culture, and shock-producing endotoxin, in filtrate of arizona culture.
8) The toxicity of mixture of filtrates of proteus and pseudomonas or proteus and arizona was studied. Addition of filtrate of pseudomonas to that of proteus did not afire the toxicity of the latter appreciably, while addition of arizona filtrate potentiated the toxic effects of proteus filtrate.
9) It was considered that acute ulcer-hemorrhagic gastroenterocolitis observed in this case was caused by a kind of the patient being promoting factor.
(Author's abstract)

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