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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 62(2): 240-253, 1961


Prof. M. Muto's Surgical Clinic, Tohoku University, Sendai


Blood pictures (erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, MCV, MCH and reticulocyte count) were examined in gastric cancer cases before, three weeks after, and seven to ten months after operation. The same studies were carried out also in cases with gastric and/or duodenal ulcer for comparison.
The results obtained are as follows.
1) In cancer cases, both the number of red cells and the hemoglobin concentration were generally decreased more markedly than in the control ulcer cases, anemia being observed in higher rate in the former.
The anemia of the ulcer cases was comparatively uniform in its type (the majority being normochromic-normocytic) , whereas the type of the anemia in cancer cases was various, there being seen different ones ranging from the hypochromic-microcytic anemia to the hyperchromic-macrocytic anemia.
2) As the tumor grew larger and the lesion spread more extensively, the anemia of cancer cases became more marked. In addition, some changes were also noticed in the type of anemia, thus the anemia of the comparatively early cases was hyperchromic or macrocytic in its nature, while that of the majority of the advanced cases was hypochromic or microcytic.
3) In cancer cases, even in those with severe anemia, the reticulocyte ratio was comparatively low, suggesting the decreased hematopoietic activity of the bone marrows.
4) Hematological condition of the cancer cases was found to be much improved three weeks after resection of the stomach. However, as such changes were observed also in cases which had been operated only for palliation (the lesions still remaining). these improvements are considered to be not due to the true effect of the resection of the lesion but to the blood transfusion or to other postoperative managements.
5) Seven to ten months after gastrectomy, the hematological condition of the cases with the cancer recurrence was rather worse as compared with the preoperative state, while cases without any signs of recurrence showed much improved hematology. Thus, so far as the blood pictures are concerned, the direct effect consequent on the removal of cancer lesion could be detected first in this period.
6) Not only the total gastrectomy cases but also the partial (subtotal) gastrectomy cases of gastric cancer, as well as those of peptic ulcer, showed hyperchromic and macrocytic tendencies of the red cells, seven to ten months after operation. Therefore, the initial signs of the so-called agastric anemia were thought to appear comparatively early in their postoperative course.
(Author's abstract)

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