[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7455KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(9): 1234-1243, 1960

Original article


1st Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University (Director : Prof. Hiroshi MIYAKE)

Hidehiko SHIMURA

Miyake pointed out previously the fact that most of gallstones in Japan consisted of bilirubin calk stone. Recently, the increases of an incidence of cholesterol stone in Japanese women are reported. To clarify this problems, the influences of pregnancy to gallstone formation were studied experinentally. The hepatic bile of sheep was collected in the course of the pregnancy as occasion calls from the T-tube buried under the skin. Bile salt, cholesterol and phospholipid in bile were determined. The following results were obtained:
1) In early pregnancy, the increases of cholesterol and bile salt were recognized, but phospholipid did not change.
2) In late pregnancy, the increases of cnolesterol and phospholipid and the considerable decreases of bile salts were found. Those changes last one or two weeks after delivery.
3) One month after delivery, the bile components are recovered gradually into normal level, but the levels of cholesterol are still high.
4) Bile salts of normal sheep bile consist of cholate, desoxycholate and chenodesoxycholate in the mean ratio of 11 : 5 ; 1. However, in late pregnancy this ratio changes to 7 : 2 : 1, because of the decreases of desoxycholate and cholate.
Since the changes of bile in the late pregnancy look like those in cholelithiasis, the pregnancy may be one of the important factors in gallstone formation.
(Author's abstract)

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