[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9674KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(8): 1126-1139, 1960

Original article


2nd Surgical Department, Chiba University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. K. Nakayama.)

Satoru KONDO

The auther carried out experimental (43 dogs) and clinical (8 cases) studies on the function of digestion and absorption following extensive resection of the small intestine by Cr2O3 ratio method. The results obtained from these studies areas follows:
1) From the view of the function of digestion and absorption, upper part of the small intestine is more important than the lower.
2) The term "extensive,, when applied to resection of the small intestine, must be indicative of the removal of one-half or more.
3) Limit of resection of the small intestine is two-third in the upper part and three-fourth in the lower.
4) Functional compensation after the extensive resection of the small intestine, is carried out by the remaining part of the small intestine and partially covered by the large bowel. Compensation of absorption concerning organic matter is relative good, but about unorganic matter is not enough especially calcium and phosphorus.
Morphologically, the remaining small intestine showed hypertrophia and hyperplasia of intestinal wall and villus.
5) Metabolic disturbance of unorganic matter, especially calcium and phosphorus, has influence upon the next generation after extensive resection of the small intestine. Therefore, very thoughtful care must be paid upon supplement of unorganic matter.
6) Nutrional disturbance caused by extensive resection cannot be controled by drugs, the only hope lies in dietary management. Experimental and clinical data has borne out the fact that patient can be expected to fare much better on a fat poor, protein and carbohydrate rich diet.
(Author's abstract)

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