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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(4): 589-614, 1960


Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med. (Director: Prof. Kenji KAWAMURA)


In 1936, Knisely observed the mice spleen in situ under his own apparatus and more recently still, Man and Wakin and many investigators have developed techniques for observing hepatic lobular blood circulation directly. By means of the transilluminating method the author examined critically the actual responces of the hepatic blood vessels to drugs, dyes, particulate matter and nervous stimulation and recorded them in motion picture.
PART I: The circulatory change of the liver and intestinal wall under the influence of autonomic nerve blocking agents.
1. Vasoconstrictor: Vasopressor amines which belong to synephrine-series constrict the peripheral blood vessels and bring to rise blood pressure level. We know well the pharmaco-dynamic effect of such drugs in laboratory as "Zweifach's Meso-appendix Test."
Method and Results: The animals were anesthetized with 1% Pentobarbital (80 mg/Kg in body wt.) and or 0.1% Chlorpromazine (shorten as C-P, 30 mg/Kg) intramuscular injection and these two groups were compared with the influence of 0.1% Epinephrine 0.1 cc injected slowly into the tail. The intrahepatic vessels of the Barbi-group were constricted remarkablly. The sinusoidal flow were almost stopped, so there could not be found any blood corpuscles and seemred ischemic on the whole. Respiration was so depressed and exophthalmus occurred. About 3 minutes after blood corpuscles moved sluggish or pendular together with recovery of the rythmical respiratory act. On the other hand C-P group were not influenced by Epinephrine injection because of adrenolytic action of this drug. Therefore, we could not prove the actual vasomotion. But Nor-epinephrine and Methoxamine hydrochloride brought effective vasoconstriction during relative long time and we could not seen the tachyphylaxis. Thus we proved that these drugs can bring to higher blood pressure-level against the hypotensive effect of chlorpromazine.
2. Parasympathominetic drug Neostigmine and sympatholytic agent Imidazoline have brought striking peristaltic acceration and increasing of active hepatic blood flow, but the dilatation of hepatic blood vessels could not be seen.
PART II: The circulatory changing of the liver and intestinal wall under various state.
1) Anaphylactic shock: 10% Pepton solution was injected intravenously for anes-thetized mice.
Barbi-group (24 mice): They were convulsed generally soon after shocking in-jection. They urinated and their2 mouth-lips were cyanotic, then the hepatic blood flow has became slowly or reversed at any sinusoidal sluice. The arterioles of intestinal wall has contracted, but the Venules hardly contracted. There could be observed the emigration of fibrinoid substance and diapedic hemorrhage due to its weak wall structure and increased permeability. Shock state caused ischemia of intestinal area and remarkable congestion of the liver. The liver and intestine, their relationship is same as seesawgame or sand-glass. On the other hand, C-P group has (20 mice) hardly convulsed generally by these shocking injection.
Result was as follows:
The mortality of Barbi-group: 11/24, C-P group 1/24.
Survival after 24 hrs. Barbi--group 10/24, C-P group 8/20
Thus C-P group could be endured the stress of Pepton injection because of antihistaminic action or shock protective action of this agent.
2) Experimental liver damage with carbon tetrachloride.
(1) Observing the hepatic circulation and 0.05 cc of C-Cl4 was injected to the spleen whichexposed by the left costal margin incision. By this method we can easily and promptly damage the mouse-liver parenchym experimentally. The left lobes are more distinctly harmed as right that is the reason why "stream line" effect or "two streams" hypothesis by Sérégé (1901). The liver cell has degenerated vacuolarly and the perilobular tissure has necrotized following the circulatory disturbance.
(2) 17 mice were slightly anesthetized with Pentobarbital and C-Cl4 vapor was inhaled by open drop method. After 60-150 sec. the respiration has severly depressed and the velocity of the hepatic blood circulation has became sluggish, at last respiratory and cardiac arrest occurred. By the closing of vapor inhalation. the respiratory and circulatory activity recovered in 5 min. We could not observe the changing of liver vessel-diameter and also could not prove any active vasomotion of intestinal region. This is chiefly due to the depression of cardiac function and its changing of the blood circulation is same as the liver. On the other hand we experienced often C-Cl4 vapor inhalation 3-5 times for 5 mice in a day. By and by the recovering course of them were delayed because of exhaustion. The blood circulation was disturbed by depression of swelling liver tissue. Thus the depressive act of C-Cl4 Vapor for respiratory and circuratory system is just as the volatile agent "Ether", "Chloroform" and others.
Under such a vital microscopic unit we can recognize the course of experimental liver cirrhosis after long continued histotoxic anoxia due to C-Cl4 vapor inhalation.
(Author's abstract)

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