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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(3): 340-358, 1960


Department of Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Tetsuro SAKAI)


From the comparison of the views of carcinomatous foci and carcinogenic organs obtained by operations and autopsies with the per centages of protein components of plasma, the factors which affect the protein composition of plasma were examined on 383 cancer cases.
1) The comparison of carcinogenic organs with the electrophoretic pattern of plasma.
Observation on the electrophoretic patterns in 383 cancer-cases (Stomach, 259 ; Esophagus, 24 ; Colon and Rectum, 30 ; Lung, 23 ; Liver, 5 ; Breast, 15 ; Bile Duct, 17 ; and other organs, 10.) revealed the variation in the pattern was most remarkable in the case of cancer of the lung, liver and bile duct, and then, of the stomach and esophagus.
In the breast and rectum, the variation was not remarkable in spite of invasion of carcinomatous foci in the case of cancer of the rectum.
These factors suggest that there would be marked differences in the variation of electrophoretic pattern depending upon the carcinogenic organs, even if the invasion of carcinoma is same in its degree.
2) The relationship between the carcinomatous foci and electrophoretic patterns.
I) The development of carcinomatous foci by macroscopic and electrophoretic observation.
On the basis of the operative or post-morten findings of 151 cases of cancer of the stomach, the author classified them into 4 groups as follows :
i) The case in which tumor is limited.
ii) The case in which there are metastases to the perigastric lymph nodes.
iii) The case in which there are numbers of lymph nodes metastases and peritoneal disseminations.
iv) The case in which there are infiltrations and metastases to the other visceral organs.
II) The histological observation and the eIectrophoretic pattern.
According to C.P.L. Classification (Dr. Tamaki Imai), the author obseavved the relationship between cancer cell and stroma reaction and compared with the electrophoretic patterns in 88 cases of gastric cancer. As conclusion the wider the area of carcinomatous foci, the weaker the stroma reaction and the more active the development of cancer, the more remarkable the variation of eIectrophoretic pattern.
III) The necrosis and secondary infection of cancer focus and its electrophoretic pattern.
These relations were examined on 19 cases of cancer of the stomach. No apparent relationship, however, could be recognized between the protein composition, the necrosis and secondary infection.
3) The order of the appearance of the variation of protein components in patients with cancer.
From the above results the followiug tendency was observed: At first fibrinogen increased and albumin decreased, and after lymph nodes metastases α-globulin increased, and after the remarkable organ metastases the increase of γ-globulin was added.
4) Preoperative plasma protein fraction of the gastric cancer patients and their prognosis.
67 cases of the gastric cancer patients were examined on their prognosis and preoperative plasma protein fraction, and no definite relationship could be recognized between the fraction value of preoperative plasma and the postoperative survival period of the gastric cancer patients who received radical operation. Therefore, it is impossible to presume the prognosis of cancer patients from their preoperative patterns of plasma proteins.
5) Investigation on Φ-peak of plasma fraction of gastric cancer patients.
By comparative study of plasma and serum protein fraction of 19 cases of gastric cancer patients, it was confirmed that the increase of Φ-peak observed in electrophoretic patterns of the plasma of gastric cancer patients is due to the increase of fibrinogen, and not of γ-globulin.
(Author's abstract)

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