[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 10713KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(2): 210-223, 1960


Keio University School of Medicine


The author prosecuted the study on fluctuation of nitrogen line involved in staphylococcus and streptococcus under the various conditions, which has been very often perceived in surgical infections (infectious cases) . Especially, when they acquired tolerance of medicament by the effect of Penicillin and Streptmycine upon them, how it affects the aggregate quantity of nitrogen in accordance with fluctuations etc. of nitrogen line of such germs in every step of acquired immunity and whether or not in evidence is such fluctuation of aggregate quantity of nitrogen or others in both immunized germs and the original ones (strain) with the r esult as follows :
1) The quantity of nitrogen and that of consummed O2 of over fifty kinds of staphylococcus increase or decrease with approximately parallel value.
2) The quanties of nitrogen involved in staphylococcus and streptococcus affected by Penicillin of low unit and preserved in incubators for twenty-four hours are less than those of the original ones.
3) Measuring Penicillin sensitivity and quantity of nitrogen of every kind of staphylococcus preserved in the laboratory, the author perceived that the quantity of nitrogen in it varied in proportion to the degree of acquired tolerance.
4) As to the quantity of nitrogen of staphylococcus with various kinds of Penicillin sensitivity affected by Penicillin and preserved in incubators for twenty-four hours, the quantity of nitrogen after ten hours decreases in case of the germ with low tolerance affected by Penicillin of comparatively high unit and conversely increases in case of the germ with comparatively high degree of tolerance affected by Penicillin.
5) The quantity of nitrogen of staphylococcus with Penicillin sensitivity changed by succeeding culture varies in proportion to the degree of acquired tolerance.
6) The quantity of nitrogen of staphylococcus with tolerance against Penicillin promoted by the method of multiple dilution series comparison varies in proportion to the degree of acquired tolerance.
7) Acquirement of tolerance against Penicillin of staphylococcus in a living body is more conspicuous than against Streptmycine and accordingly the quantity of nitrogen in the former case increased more obviously than that in the latter. However, in both cases the quantity of nitrogen increases proportionately with the degree of tolerance.
(Author's abstract)

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