[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6011KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(1): 122-129, 1960


1) Department of Surgery, Osaka University Branch Hospital
2) Department of Surgery, Osaka University Hospital


Ultrasonic Wave has two main actions, mechanical and thermal. Donhardt, Axel and Presh (1953) stated following their experiments on rats that ultrasonic lesions on the liver were induced by a thermal action, while Southan, Beyer and Allen (1953) reported that ultrasonic lesion in a mouse by a mechanical action. No definite interpretation has been shared by these two groups of the authors.
The present authors have studied this problem with a therapeutic dosage of ultrasonic wave of 1000 kilocycles, 0.75 watts/scqcm., produced by the Ibuki-Sonitor quartzplatultrasonic generator (having quartz plate of 2.8 mm. thick, 27 mm. in diameter) .
Ultrasonic and ultrashort wave irradiation have been performed on the liver, intestines and spinal cord of laparotomized or laminectomized cats weighing about 2.5 kg. A rise in temperature of the irradiated tissue was measured with an alcoholthermometer and thermopiles, while the morphological changes were studied. The preparations were stained by H.E., thionin, Manhon and Bielschowsky.
The authors have investigated the differences in action between ultrasound and ultrashort wave which has a thermal effect only
The results obtained are as follows :
1) The thermal effect of ultrasound is less intensive than that of ultra short wave.
2) Ultrasound is more intensive in destroying cells than ultrashort wave.
3) Ultrasound distributes its various influences to individual eIements of the tissues. It is revealed that the longitudinal muscle is more vulnerable than the circular muscle in the same muscle layer to ultrasound irradiation and the gray matter is more vulnerable than the white matter in the same spinal cord.
From these results it is concluded that the differences in the changes of the liver, intestines and spinal cord developing following the irradiation of ultrasonic wave and ultrashort wave are due to a remarkable mechanical action of ultrasound.
Morphologic studies on the influences of ultrasound upon the blood vessel have been recently published by several authors. But the changes in permeability of the blood vessel following ultrasound irradiation have been scarcely reported.
The present authors have studied this problem with P32 used as tracer after ultrasonic and ultrashort waves were irradiated. The specific activity is obtained by the following formula.
Specific Activity= (P32 abstracted from muscle (count/min./gr.))/(Injected P32 (count/min.)/(Inorganic P32 abstracted from muscle (γ/gr.))
The specific activity of the muscle following ultrasound and ultrashort wave are kept 5 to 1, 3 to 1, 2 to 1 and 1 to 1, immediately, one hour, two hours and three hours after irradiation respectively. Thus it is demonstrated that ultrasound accelerates the premeability of the blood vessel and the metabolism of the tissue.
It is supported to conclude that a mechanical action of ultrasound at a therapeutic dosage gives a favourable result to the tissue irradiated.
(Authors' abstract)

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