[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 8181KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(1): 111-121, 1960


Surgical Department, Chiba University Medical School (Director: Prof. Komei NAKAYAMA)

Toyokazu TASHIRO

A statistical observation of coronary insufficiency in Nakayama's Surgical Department revealed 272 cases, 4.9% in 5617 cases taking E.C.G. during their admission from January 1054 to December 1958.
Preoperatively 193 patients had coronary insufficiency (3.5%), and significantly high percentage in cancer patients.
Postoperatively 79 patients were detected coronary insufficiency and relatively higher persentage in thoracotomy cases such as radical operations of esophagocardiac carcinoma.
Preoperative exercise test and hypoxia test are very important to surgical indications and the patients who had pathological findings such as severe disturbance of the liver and kidney functions were not indicated surgical procedure.
Also, it is very important that sufficient amount of oxygen should be given during anesthesia.
The medical treatment of coronary insufficieny is selected rapid acting digitalis and coronary dilators parenterally. The surgical treatment of coronary insufficiency are many variations but bilateral internal mammary arterial ligations method is one of simple, safe and effective procedures.
(Author's abstract)

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