[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 15357KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(1): 40-63, 1960


1st Department of Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. T. Fukuda)

Shigemitsu SHIDA

Cytological and histological diagnosis of gastric cancer by abrasive balloon and gastroscopic biopsy method was performed and the following conclusion was made :
1. By measuring the size of the nucleus, nucleolus and the nucleolus-nucleusrelationship the characteristics of enlargement of the nucleus, enlargement and increase of the nucleolus in cancer cells were confirmed.
2. The new lead-lined abrasive balloon tube improvised by the author to clarify the position of the balloon in the stomach under the fluoroscopy was successfully used when the diameter of the balloon was enlarged (diameter 7 to 10 cm) to contact the whole surface of the intragastric girth.
3. Cytological diagnosis of gastric cancer by abrasive balloon method for 243 case were carried out and the results were as follows :
a) Positive findings were found in 110 out of 125 cancer cases. (88.0%)
b) Negative finding were 113 out of 118 non-cancer cases. (95.8%)
4. By comparing the results of gastric cancer diagnosis through abrasive balloon method and X-ray examinations, abrasive balloon method was found to be far superior than X-ray examination in gastric cancer diagnosis of the cardia and corpus region .
5. Twelve cases of gastric cancer undisclosed by X-ray examinations was diagnosed by the abrasive balloon method. This number was equivalent to 10% of all cancer cases. With the use of both the abrasive balloon and X-ray examinations 97.6% of gastric cancer was successfully diagnosed.
6. Of the small tissue gained by abrasive balloon method and examined by the author 10 out of 15 cases were diagnosed as gastric cancer histologically.
7. Two cases of cytologically diagnosed reticulosarcoma of the stomach by abrasive balloon method was experienced. The cytological differentiation between cancer cells and sarcoma cells (3 cases of malignant lymphomas of the neck, 1 case of reticulosarcoma of the breast) were investigated and confirmed that gastric reticulosarcoma cells had the same characteristic figures, and was different from cancer cells.
8. The gastroscopic biopsy instrument of Juntendo type was improvised by the author. This apparatus eliminated the faults of operating gastroscope of Benedict. Cytological and histological diagnosis of gastric cancer by the new instrument was tried and found that gastroscopic biopsy method was especially useful in cell biopsy under direct vision of the gastric lesions.
(Author's abstract)

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