[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7744KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 61(1): 29-39, 1960


Prof. M. Mulo's Surgical Clinic, Tohoku University, Sendai


The alkaline phosphatas (abbreviated to Al. -ph.) reaction was tested in the cancer tissues of the operated stomachs and the metastatic lymph nodes of 100 cases of gastric cancer and the following results wer obtained :
1. Even in a small piece of a tumor specimen, Al.-ph.-positive tissues and Al.-ph.negative tissues were found in coexistence in varying ratios, so that the Al.-ph. reaction in the stomach cancer tissues was found extremely variant. When the 100 cases were taken as a whole, 24 cases contained very few Al. -ph. positive and a large majority of negative cancer cells (negative cases), in 32 cases, the Al.-ph. positive cells were somewhat more numerous than in the former but still less abundant than the negative-reacting cells (slightly positive cases), in 29 the Al.-ph- positive cells were predominating over the negative cells (moderately positive case), while nearly all the tumor cells in 15 were Al.-ph. positive (strongly positive cases).
2. The 100 cases could be itemized into 39 of adenomatous cancers, 47 of solid cancers and 14 gelatinous cancers. Among the adenomatous cancers, the author found 11 slightly positive and 28 moderately or strongly positive cases, while among the solid cancers, 39 were negative or slightly positive and 8 were moderately or strongly positive tumors. Strong positivity being thus more frequent among the adenomatous cancer cases. Among the gelatinous cancer cases, the author found 6 negative or slightly positive and 8 moderately or strongly positive cases.
3. Regardless of the histological cancer types, the Al.-ph. positive and negative parts in the tissues showed common differences as follows :
a) The cancer cells in th Al.-ph. positive part consisted in (1) the proliferating area of the growing gastric cancer surrounded by the young granulation tissues of the host, (2) the necrotic cancer cells desquamated into the necrotic cancer nest or the lumen of the cancer nest, (3) cancer cells fallen into nuclear pycnosis, vacuolar degeneration and such retrogressions, being tightly surrounded by cicatrized connective tissue and (4) cancer cells fallen into mucous degeneration.
b) The parts of the Al.-ph. negative cells consisted in (1) adenomatous cancer foci of papillary or multi-layered epithelial proliferation, (2) cancer cell group infiltratively proliferated in the tela submucosa and the tunica muscularis without associating connective tissue, and infiltrative cancer foci showing sclerotic stromatous nature, were proliferation of connective tissue was present.
c) ln mucous cancer, regardless of the state of the stromas, the cells in the forestage of seal-ring formation showed strong positivity, the seal-ring cells modrate or slight positivity and when thoe mucous degeneration was highly advanced so that mucous replaced the cancer tissue, the Al.-ph. activity became negative.
d) In the host stroma, the young granulation tissue proved strongly Al.-ph. positive, but with the advance of fibrous alteration of the connective tissue stroma, the reaction tended to decreases.
4. The results of examination of 256 metastatic lymph nodes were similar to those of gastric tumors above in respect of Al.-ph- reaction of the metastatic cancer cells, and it was inferred that the nature of the cancer cells and the reaction of the host stroma around the cancer foci were closely correlated.
5. A parallel correlation was found between the PAS reaction and Al.-ph. reaction in the adenomatous and solid cancer cases, but in gelatinous cancer cases, such a correlation could not be observed.
(Author's abstract)

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