[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16167KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(14): 2055-2075, 1960


The Second Surgical Division, Yokohama Medical College. (Director: Prof. Mikio YAMAGISHI)


At the time of the thoracolumbal sympathectomy for the surgical treatment of the essential hypertension, the renal biopsy was made on sixty cases, and the renal arteriolar change was observed to be compared with the studies of the clinical change with the following results.
1. The renal arteriolar sclerosis was not recognized at the renal biopsy of essential hypertension, in 13 cases (22%). Where the sclerosis was recognized, internal hypertrophy, hyalirization and hypertrophy of the elastic fiber were observed, but any fibrinization was not observed.
2. The mean value of wall to lumen ratio is, in hypertensive case, 1.6 and it shows that it is lower than that of normal which is 2.3.
3. Rrelationship between the renal arteriolar sclerosis and falling of the bloodpressure, from that at the time of the first examination to the basic blood-pressure was clearly recognized. In the cases where the sclerosis is scarcely observed or slight, the degree of the falling is very remarkable, however in the cases where the sclerosis was severe the blood-pressure remained fixed and high.
4. In many cases, a remarkable difference between the retinal change and renal arteriolar change was recognized. Less than in a half of the cases, the change of both happened together. So that the retinal change should not be taken only to tell th arteriolar sclerosis of essential hypertension.
5. The relation between renal arteriolar sclerosis and Methoblomin Test, residual nitrogen, urine concentration, urine protein is quite vague. So that it is impossible to decide the degree of renal arteriolar sclerosis by the degree of these tests.
6. The degree of the renal arteriolar sclerosis is apt to parallel with that of renal blood-flows, but each example has shown more differences, so that this parallelism will not be relied upon as the ground of decision at large.
(Author's abstract)

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