[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16334KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(12): 1992-2013, 1960


Department of Surgery, Keiogijuku University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Nobukatsu SHIMADA)


Exper imental study of hemorrhagic shock induced by Western Reserve method and Lamson's bottle method was performed in dogs. The O2, CO2 content and A-V O2 difference were evaluated in the blood circulating in the periphery, brain, liver and kidney in order to investigate development of irreversible shock with the effect of Chlorpromazine, Hexamethonium bromide and bilateral splanchnectomy.
The results are as follows :
1) As the hemorrhagic shock developed, the rectal temperature of control animals fell in 2-5°C with the decrease in venous O2 content and the increase in A-V O2 difference. However, no special relation between the degree of fall of temperature and changes in the blood gas content was demonstrated.
2) O2 content of arterial blood revealed little or no changes throughout the experiment, while O2 content of venous blood showed rapid decrease with development of shock with resultant increase in A-V O2 difference. These changes began more markedly at the onset of the spontaneous back-flow stadium induced by the decompensation of the circulatory system and developed until almost maximum at the stadium which the blood volume of back-flow amout to 10- 30 per cent of the total volume of withdrawal. The irreversible state of tissues due to hemorrhagic shock was induced during these two stadiums, since complete reinfusion of blood in the bottle after the later stadium failed to survive the experimental animals.
3) Increase in A-V O2 difference in the circulating blood of the kidney is much more remarkable in earlier stage as compared with those in the blood in the periphery, brain and liver. Consequently the development of irreversible stage of shock is considered to be more dependent on the hepatic anoxia rather than kidney anoxia.
4) Administrations of Chlorpromazine, Hexamethonium bromide or bilateral splanchnectomy prior to the bleeding made animals endure the hemorrhagic hypotension and prolong the survival time, but the changes in O2 content of venous blood and A-V O2 difference showed almost the same results as control animals. It is thought that blocking of the autonomic nervous system interrupts the effect of anoxia on tissues and inhibits for a long time the development of irreversible shock, and that it has also favorable effect on restoration of circulatory system after blood transfusion.
5) Animals of which the CO2 contentent of venous blood did not increase over 50-60 per cent of the control level even after blood transfusion were followed by death.
(Author's abstract)

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