[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 10091KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(11): 1818-1831, 1960


Prof. Katsura's Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku University


It is my purpose in this study to elucidate an effect of intravenous injection of the hypertonic solutions for the cerebral edema.
Two bandreol mice, used for this experiments, were divided into two groups, one was invaded surgical brain invasion artificially and the other was not. Fifty percent glucose in water, 10% and 20% Dextran and Periston N were injected intravenously to mice of each group, and the effects of dehydration were investigated, in comparison of the each solution, mainly from the point of changes of each tissue water.
Fourtenn rabbits were used for an other experiment, to study for the effect of dehydration of prolonged, repeated administration of 50% glucose in water.
Clinically, effects of the solutions were observed on the changes of intracranial pressure following contiouous ventricular drainage in 13 neurosurgical patients.
1) Fifty percent glucose in water was the most effective to reduce the tissue water, and not remarkable in Periston N and Dextran.
2) Among various tissues, in the muscle, contained water was most reduced but not markedly in the brain tissue by the hypertonic solutions intravenously.
3) In the brain tissue, which had edema following artificial surgical brain invasion, the tissue water was reduced markedly compare with the normal brain without surgical invasion.
4) Duration of the effect following injection of the 50% glucose in water was about one hour according to the changes of the brain tissue water and intracranial pressure.
5) When 20 cc per kg of body weight of the 50% glucose in water was daily injected repeatedly to rabbits, one group which was feeding freely brought into the edematous tendency of the tissues after several days, and the other which was restricted the feeding brought the dehydration of various tissue resulting from general water deficit.
It may be possible that the repeated injections of hypertonic solutions will make the histologic changes in heart and other organs.
For these reasons, this dehydration-therapy of the 50% glucose in water should be taken not repeatedly but temporarily for reliving cerebral edema.
(Author's abstract)

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