[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 17072KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(11): 1761-1784, 1960


First Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Kentaro SHIMIZU)


An investigation of blood volume by a photoelectric plethysmograph is proved to be a greatly helpful clue for the purpose of understanding of the peripheral circulatory state. However, it is used to be considered as difficult that how the value of blood volume is determined quantitatively.
The author has developed one's own idea that the blood volume of the finger tip is determined quantitatively through one's own original calibration, and then has applied its idea and has made a measurement upon the conditions of normal and various other pathological finger-toes. Moreover, the author has made an additional discussion upon the hemodynamic condition of finger-toe through these experimental data.
1) The author used the red cellophane papers as filters, and making correction of these filters, decided the value of "h", that is, the thickness of blood which flows in the finger tip after the release of the exclusion of blood and measuring "H", that is, the thickness of the tested part separately, the close value of blood volume of the part is found to be as 2 × h/H cc/phalanx 1 cc.
2) The author measured the degree of extinction of finger tissue which could not be neglected in case of determination of blood volume of the finger tip using a photoelectric plethysmograph by the transparent light and found out at the same time that the infrared ray penetrates 10 times as deep as the blood.
3) The measurements of blood volume and arterial inflow have been performed upon 210 cases of healthy fingers and toes, 60 cases of arterial occlusive finger toes and 30 cases of Raynaud's fingers. In addition, the more blood volume increase by the manipulation of "heating" upon the healthy and Raynaud's fingers has been observed. However, the arterial occlusive and Raynaud's fingers which have the occlusive change of digital arteria has not shown any response.
4) The combination of the method of "exclusion of blood" and a venous occlusive plethysmograph on the identical finger makes us understand clearly the resistance of resistance vessels, expansion of capacitance vessels and the variation of central arterial blood pressure. These phenomena have been in the variation to certain extent among those of healthy adults.
5) Taking the record of blood volume of the finger tip by the compressing method of the tested part, we could come to know the relationship between the local blood pressure and the circulatory state. In addition, we performed the measupements of "critical closing pressure" due to the principle of Burton's external compressing method.
6) Taking the record of blood volume of the finger tip by a photoelectric plethysmograph, we have performed the conclusive discussion upon the pathological physiology of blood pressure, blood volume, arterial inflow and resistance of digital vascular beds in relation to the healthy, Raynauds and arterial occlusive fingers.
(Author's abstract)

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