[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16863KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(11): 1738-1760, 1960


First Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine., Tokyo Medical and Dental University.


The biliary pressure which is internal pressure of biliary tract and the perfusion pressure or so-called "Sphincter resistance of Oddi", may be measured during surgical procedure in 113 patients with the upper abdominal diseases.
The internal pressure of biliary tract was showed from 13 mm to 302 mm, 74 mm of water on the average and so-called "Sphincter resistance of Oddi " was found between 23 mm and 320 mm, 104 mm of water on the average.
There was obtained relatively high pressure in disease of the extrahepatic biliary tract and the peptic ulcer, but low pressure was showen in cases of the gastric cancer.
These results were discussed on operative findings, liver functions , gastric acidity, total protein in serum and ratio of the internal pressure of biliary tract and the so called "Sphincter resistance of Oddi".
The cause of high pressure in biliary tract diseases may be explained on stagnation of bile in the spasm, thickness or fibrosis in intramural portion, intraductal stone and inflammation playing as obstructive factor. The hypertony of sphincter which caused by hyperacidity of gastric juice had significance as the etiologic factor of the high pressure in peptic ulcer.
The Biliary pressure has had some relation to sex, age, and total protein in serum,but having unconcerned in liver function and variety of diseases.
In the cases of pathological condition of the papilla of Vater, the ratio of the internal pressure of the biliary tract and so-called " Sphincter resistance of Oddi " bad been smaller than the other diseases.
The intraductal pressure was recorded by the electronic automatic recorder. It has been considered the valuable method in a diagnosis of the disorders of extrahepatic biliary tract that the examination of the curve of the intraductal pressure which obtained by rapid perfusion of the normal saline.
(Author's abstract)

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