[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 15010KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(10): 1576-1594, 1959


First Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. K. Shimizu)


1) Massage of the carotid siuns was found to be valuable in estimating the carotid sinus reflex So-called "depressor rate" compared with initial systolic pressure was found to be proper in descrbing the depressor reflex of the sinus.
2) Accelerated carotid sinus reflex was found more frequently among the surgical patients with old age, or with hypertension than the control young patients. Cerebral symptoms coincidently associated with the carotid sinus stimulation were occurred more fequently in the aged.
3) Depressor reflex describing by the "depressor rate" was found to be about the same regardless of the fluctuation of blood pressure in the same individual. Each person showed to have each individual "depressor rate"
4) It might be considered that the more difinite depressor reflex, the more marked the cardio-inhibitory reflex.
5) Cerebral symptom was found much frequently in patients with accelerated deprressor and cardio-inhibitory reflexes. Testing carotid sinus reflex might be valuable in forecasting postoperative cerebral vascular accident.
6) The grade of depressor reflex was correlated with the grade of arteriosclerosis of retinal and other arteries. The acceleration of the depressor reflex might be considered to show the dysfunction of the pressure regulating mechanism.
7) Changes of blood pressure, especially hypotension during surgery, were found mere frequently among cases with accelerated depressor reflex.
8) In the animal experiment, increased arterial inflow and peripheral pooling of lood were found in the extremities and spleen during hypotension induced by carotid sinus stimulation, but cerebral blood flow was reduced adversely during hypotension.
Hypotension associated with carotid sinus stimulation might be induced by the peripheral vasodilatation, especially in area innervated with the splanchnic nerve, and cerebral symptom associated with the manipulation of the sinus might be considered due to insufficient cerebral blood flow.
(Author's abstract)

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