[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16322KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(7): 1117-1139, 1959


First Surgical Department, Faculty of Medinine, University of Tokyo (Director: Prof. K. Shimizu)

Tsuneo OISHI

In this study several amino acid solutions of various composition are devised and used. Their nutritive values are compared with each other by the nitrogen balance index of rat intraperitoneal method, the nitrogen balance and the effects upon the blood Hb., Al., GI. concentrations in postgastrectomy cases or other patients.
Besides the amino acid composition, some factors influencing the nutritive effects of the amino acid solutions, for instance, caloric intake, amino acid calorie by total calorie, quality of nonprotein calorie, given amino acid dose, nutritive state of patient, are investigated. Some observations are reported about the potassium metabolism and the side-effects of intravenous nutrition. The following conclusions were obtained.
1. In intravenous alimentation, as in peroral nutrition, it seems from the above data that the composition of amino acids, such as that of the whole egg and the mixture of Rose's final r eport is comparatively excellent. Not only essential amino acids, but also nonesseutial amino acids should be brought into consideration.
2. The effects of solutions upon the Hb., Al., GI. formation may be different according to their amino acid compositions.
3. Injektion of proper quantity of well balanced amino acid solution is better than that of large doses of imballanced one. Excess of few amino acids, especially in caloric restriction, might cause decrease in Hb., Al., concentrations. As for amino acin calorie, it is desirable to give a litte under 10% of total calorie.
4. Sorbitol is useful as a substitute for glucose.
5. The administration of over 3 mEq potassium by 1g. nitrogen is reasonable.
(author's abstract)

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