[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11355KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(7): 1086-1100, 1959


Prof. Kimoto's Dept. of Surgery, Tokyo University School of Medicine (Director, Prof. Seiji KIMOTO)


Following the previous report, this includes the technique of the abdominal aortography, its result, selection of contrast media, its diagnostic value and some considerations on the experienced 64 cases, and the following conclusions have been obtained.
1) As to the technique of the abdominal aortography, two methods of translumbar aortography and retrograde method inserting vascular catheter through the profunda femoral artery, are the safest and sure methods.
2) Considering the bleeding at the site of puncture, diameter of the needle should be smaller than gauge 17. The needle of gauge 18 gives satisfactory visualization and no risk. Gauge 21 needle gives safety but poor visualization. The catheter of 1 m in length should be more than F 10 in diameter for retrograde angiography to obtain a satisfactory visualization as the aid of vascular surgery.
3) Transient side effect by contrast media was seen in almost all cases with Pyraceton (Diodrast) and Urokolin (Urokon) and 5 cases showed severe reaction. One of the 5 cases had fever between 37° and 38°C for a week and severe lumbago caused by extravasation of Pyraceton. The second patient with cardiac asthma had acut dyspnea and generalized mild cramp immediately after the injection of Pyraceton. The third and fourth cases had retrograde aortography by Pyraceton and had generalized cramp same as seen in the thoracic aortography by Pyraceton. The fifth patient had cardiac failure and Urokolin had been given by translumbar method. He developed Chaine Stokes like respiration and disturbed consciousness. Those 5 cases all recovered by palliative treatment. Such a reaction was not seen in none of the cases with Urografin which is thought to be the best as a contrast media.
4) Abdominal aortography reveals the relations of diseased site and area and its neighbouring organs and makes the anticipation of prognosis possible.
5) As the repesentative cases from 64 cases with the abdominal aortography, 7 cases of abdominal aneurysm, 2 cases of thrombosis and embolism, each cases of retroperitoneal tumor, hypertension secondary to incomplete renal development and femoral arteriovenous fistura wer presented and discussed here showing the necessity of the abdominal aortography.
(author's abstract)

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