[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 14064KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(6): 1025-1056, 1959


2nd Surgical Department, Tokyo University, School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Kimoto)


Cholecystitis have considered to cause by allergic origin. But studies of this problem are very few. So I study cholecystitis in the view of clinical and experimental point. And my studies can provide many evidences for the exsistence of cholecystitis of allergic origin.
1) The experiments are performed upon 20 rabbits sensitized by 3-4 intravenous injections of 2-4 cc horse serum. The exciting dose is inoculated into the cavity of the gall bladder. Pathologic changes occur in all gall bladders and livers. Pathologic changes of gall bladders easily cure while 3-5 days. But those of livers, which are chiefly bleeding, necrosis, abscess on the high grade, are progressive, and finaly chronic hepatitis or initial liver cirrhosis can be found. When 40 rabbits are sensitized passively, pathologic changes of gall bladders and livers are the same as the former.
2) Pathologic changes of livers, which are taken from patients of cholecystitis, are chiefly liver cells degeneration, necrosis, abscess and liver cirrhosis. These changes are the same as those of experimental allergic cholecystitis.
3) Pathologic changes of acute cholecystitis are clinicaly almost allergic. They are, edem, bleeding, cellular infiltration, which polymorph nucleide leucocytes take very a little part.
4) When rabbit is sympathicotonic, allergic reaction of gall bladder is severe and various, but when parasympathicotonic, the reaction is mild. Rabbit is sympathicotonic in the local of biliary system during allergic cholecystitis.
5) I can also assertain experimentaly that allergic cholecystitis play a important part for the building gall stone.
6) The dyskinesia of biliary system is caused by irritability of nervous tissue of biliary system. So sympathicotomy is good not only for gall bladder colic but also cheke allergic inftamation.
7) I adovocate a new experimental method of gall bladderadjuvant for cholecystitis and assert this meaning.
(author's abstract)

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