[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5908KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(2): 284-291, 1959


Research Group for Electric Injuries, Tokyo Denryoku Hospital. (Directors: Prof. SHIMADA, Surg, Dept., Keio Univ. Med. Sch. and Dr. MUTO, Chief of Surg. Clin., Tokyo Denryoku Hospital.)

Masajiro OHASHI

When the local injuries are remarkable and deeply, like a spiral of muscle fiber, "Muskelspiralen", is found in the muscle near the injuries. "Muskelspiralen" is a distinct change such as we cannot find in the other histolopathological changes (S. Jellinek). On the contrary, degree of the local injuries depend on an amount of electric energy (volts × amperes × seconds) spended in the local parts. Generally in the clinic volts is clear, but amperes and seconds are ignorance.
A) Experimental studies
I flow directory into the naked muscle (M. tibialis anterior) of rabbits with various voltags (A.C. 50 ∞). More than 100 volts "Muskelspiralen" are found remarkably and widely, on the contrary less than 100 volts various degree changes are found here and there, namely middle degree changes appear a teared form of muscle fiber, and weak degree changes appear a wave form of muscle fiber. "Muskelspiralen" and voltags are interdependence.
B) Clinical findings
When one hand or both hands touch the wire with high voltage (specially 3300 volts), various injuries are often appeared on the bended side of hand-, elbow and shoulder joints, where I find various histopathological changes such as seen in the experimental studies. Then their joints have a distribution of higher voltage than the otherparts. If the voltages of wire are very higher than 10,000 volts, the injries are mainly limited on the surface resembling burn by the electric spark. (author's abstract)

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