[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11289KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(1): 131-146, 1959

1. In the exprimental brain injuryin the rabbit, the apnea immediately after brain injury is not always accampanied with remarkable pathologic changes in the respiratory center of the pons and medulla. The inhibitory impulse from the cerebral cortex to the respiratory center, which has been already described by several neurophysiologists in the past twenty years, is proved to have an important infuence to the apnea immediately after brain injury by the following experimental work.
2. This particular type of apnea, which is supposed to be the result of the cerebral inhibition, is named " Reflectory Apnea ".
3. There is much differences from the standpoint of their mechanism between the above mentioned reflectory apnea and the apnea in the subacute or chronic stage of brain injury. The latter is due to the insufficiency of the function of the respiratory center itself. Therefore, the therapeutic method should be different in each stage of injury.
4. Reflectory apnea after brain injury is inhibitted remarkably in the midbrain animals or when chlorpromazin or sodium pentothal are given before injury or when repeated brain injury are given before heavy brain injury.
5. The mechanism and therapeutic method of these type of the reflectory apnea in brain injury are discussed.
(author's abstract)

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