[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12731KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 60(1): 77-91, 1959


Department of Neurosurgery, Niigata University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Komei UEKI and Prof. Emeritus Mizuho NAKATA)


1) Temporal resection and amygdalectomy were instituted on ten cases of the temporal lobe seizure, and these results were compared and discussed. Amygdalectomy were performed unilaterally except one. Postoperatively effect of anticonvulsant became remarkable in all the cases and postoperative improvement of EEG findings, abnormal behavior and emotional disturbance were noted.
Even though amygdalectomy is not radical operation in the strict sense, however, it shows somewhat better postoperative result than temporal lobectomy, and side effect and operative intervention is less, and we consider it as a choice of treatment.
2) Bilateral amygdalectomy was instituted on five cases of schisophrenia and remarkable change of emotional behavior were observed postoperatively. Namely, rage phenomenon, infantialization of emotional behavior, lability of mood, and placidity were noted, and placidity would be the main operative result of amygdalectomy, rather than the transitory rage phenomenon. Phagomania, heterophagia, extreme water demand and accerelation of sexual behavior were noted during its postoperative course. These symptoms are like Küver-Bucy's monkey's, and these correlate somewhat with temporal lobe function.
Therefore, it is presumed that the temporal lobe has important functions in emotional behavior, with the correlation of the thalamus, hypothalamus and the other brain stems, as concluded from the electrophysiological experimental data on the temporal lobe and observations on clinical cases of bilateral amygdalectomy.
3) In addition, the author mainly analysed preoperative clinical symptoms on the eight cases of the temporal tumor.
(author's abstract)

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