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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(13): 2061-2072, 1959


1st Surgical Department, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu Universiy. (Director: Prof. Hiroshi MIYAKE)


It was found that there is a difference in fibrin-formation by extracted bowel of healthy mature rabbits, which giving some various stimulations, hanging in the purified fibrinogen. That is, to basic study the mechanism of bowel-adhesions, an effective method was obtained. Some results were obtained by this new method in 58 rabbits, and the conclusion reached were as follows :
1. Some drugs (1,000X sublimat, 70% alcohol, 3% acid picricum alcohol, 5% tinctura jodi, 2% mercurochrome, 1,000X Rivanol, 1% Cresol, 1% Hyamine) or some mechanical stimuli (cooling, warming, drying, rubbing, cautery) were used before the extraction of the intestines.
Sublimat, alcohol, tinct. jod., and rubbing, drying, cooling bowel in fibrinogen solution powerfully produced the fibrin formation. This function considered that, appearing prothrombin and thromboplastin from the injured bowel produced fibrinification the purified fibrinogen solution.
Acid picricum alcohol or cautery, which raises the stiffening of tissue, caused little fibrinification.
2. Penicillin, streptomycin or Thiasin were used in extracted bowel. By dilute streptomycin produced fine fibrin, also concentracted streptomycin and Thiasin produced powerfully. And there was no difference between thick and thin solution of penicillin, both of them made slight fibrin-formation. There was a difference in the degree of fibrin-formation between the group in which the intramuscular injection was made by penicillin formerly and the group in which the injection was not made, and it showed as a allergylike character of penicillin injection. But by streptomycin there were not shown these differences between the one formerly treated and another which was not.
3. There wasa difference in fibrin-formation by the same stimulation between the upper and lower parts of the bowel. Fibrin nets appeared to the lowest part of the bowel more powerfully than the upper part.
It is caused as one of the factor that there is a difference in the distribution or nature of the capillary.
4. Inhibition of fibrin-formation was obtained by same fibrinolyse by this method. On tripsin there was found powerful inhibition in 60-2,000 u/10 cc, but unstable to nagarze.
(author's abstract)

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