[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 13548KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(13): 1921-1940, 1959


Surgical Division, Hospital of Cancer Institute


1. Macroscopic, histological and cytogical findings on th serous surfaces of cancer-stomach have been studied in 123 cases of stomach cancer, operated at the Cancer Institute.
The macroscopic findings on the serous surface of stomach-cancer were as follows : (1 ) Furs-like, (2) Fine-granulated, (3) Tendon-like, (4) Gelatinous, (5) Gross-granulated (6) Nodulated, and (7) Inflammatory-cicatric.
2. The macrosiopic findings on the serous surface were closely related with the macroscopic typing of stomach-cancer, such as localized type, intermediate type and infiltrating type. Furs-like, fine-granulated or tendon-like findings were seen in infiltrating type, and microcopically microalveolar or scirrhous, inflammatory-cicatric, nodulated or gross-granulated findings were in localized type, microscopically macroalveolar or medullar.
3. In 35 cases cancer cells were positive in smears obtained from the serous surface (or ascites) of 123 cases of stomach cancer. Most of the positive cases of cancer cell were obtained from the furs-like, fine-granulated, tendon-like and gelatinous serosa. Smears of inflammatory-cicatric, nodulated and gross-granulated serosa were almost negative of cancer-cells.
4. The prognosis of infiltrating type of stomach-cancer were worse, specially when the wide spreading on serora seen and exfoliated cancer cell obtained in smears.
Conclusion: (1) We can suppose the type of stomach- cancer and the danger of exfoliation of cancer cells by the macroscopic findings of serous surface.
(2) As cancer cells on the serous surface of cancer-stomach are exfoliated spontaneously or scraped easily, much attention has to be paied at clinical examination or operation, especially in the infiltrating type. In our Cancer Institute, at operation serous urface is wrapped with towel or gauze, so as the cancer cells do not exfoliate.
(3) Wide spreading of cancer on serosa the prognois worse. Particularly the prognosis of the cases, in which cancer cells wers obtained from ascites, is unfavourable.
(author's abstract)

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