[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12409KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(11): 1856-1873, 1959


First Surgical Department, Tokyo University School of Medeicine (Director: Prof. K. SHlMIZU)

Shuitsu TORADA

In this study was remarked some relationships between the wave character of volume pulses and the volume changes of blood contents in finger tips during many clinical procedings, and new diagnostic methods in recording of plethysmography of the finger tips were described.
1) Discussed the alteration in the record of photoelectric plethysmography of the finger tips which was due to the intravenous injection of "Imidalin", warming or cooling and position changes of the recording fingers.
2) A new diagnostic method of photoelectric plethysmography for the determination of finger tip circulation, named "compressing method" was described, and was discused on its usefulness.
The compressing method recording the finger tip plethysmogram is as follows:
When the photoelectric plethysmography is used, the recording performs, gradually and steplike compressed the finger tip which is lieing in the effective light beam of the instrument.
The compressing apparatus is constructed with a transparent vinyl sac and a semitransparent rubber cuff, then the compressing pressure is checked continuously.
By this method, the author could differenciate the various pathological conditions of fingers which had edema, lymphedema and stasis, and could measure the blood pressure in the finger tip. Moreover, the author could diagnose many various conditions of the fingers such as suffered from Pulseless disease, arterial obstruction, venous stasis, hypertension, lymphedema and vascular cramp etc.
3) Original description of the "arterial inflow method" to evaluate the arterial inflow into the finger tip was made and by use of the specially designed photoelectric plethysmograph the author could measure the grade of it.
These methods were made available to assume the circulatory activity of the poor vascular fingers which showed no normal volume pulses, then the author could presume the future of the ischemic fingers.
(author's abstract)

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