[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9502KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(11): 1843-1855, 1959


Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medeicine (Director: Prof. N. SHIMADA)

Kunitaro IKEDA

The present report concerns with the gastroscopic, histopathological and histochemical studies as well as the follow-up observations of the gastroduodenal ulcer in comparison with the primary chronic gastritis, The results obtained by the author are as follows:
(1) By gastroscopic studies, a wide range of the attendant gastritis is almost always demonstrated in the gestroduodenal ulcer.
(2) Gastroscopically, the edematous swelling type and the rough nodulous upheaved type are often encountered in the attendant gastritis, while the fine wrinkled type and the atrophic type are frequently evidenced in the primary chronic gastritis.
(3) Histologically, inflammatory changes are presented severer in the primary chronic gastritis than in the attendant gastritis.
(4) By the chronic gastritis, at the beginning, decrease of chief ceIIs are noticed, on the one hand, relative increase of accessory cells are found, and parietal ceIIs are inclined to slightly decrease.
(5) In parallel with the development of the chronic gastritis, goblet cells are more frequently found in the antral mucous epithelium with activation of alkaline phosphatase. These findings are more remarkable in the primary chronic gastritis than in the attendant gastritis.
(6) In the gastroduodenal ulcer, the ulcer is located the nearer to the caudal portion of the stomach, the severer becomes the inflammatory changes of the attendant gastritis.
(7) Though no essential difference is evidenced between the attendant the primary chronic gastritis, the two is considered to be a different type of desease. ln the other words, it is regarded that the development of the primary chronic gastritiis one thing and the onset of the peptic ulcer is another.
(8) In follow-up observations, more favorable result are obtained soon after the operation in the attendant gastritis than in the primary chronic gastritis. In the latter, postoperative results are considered to depend most on the pathological changes of the mucous membrane in the corpus.
(author's abstract)

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