[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11105KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(8): 1335-1349, 1958


Department of Surgery, Gumma University School or Medicine (Director : Prof. K., Shibusawa)


The pathogenesis of acute renal failure includes two major factors : renal ischemia or renal toxins. Several methods of producing renal abnormalities were :
Occulusions of bilateral renal arteries, infusion of human blood or distilled water, tonurniquet method, and administration of mercuric chloride
Experiments were conducted with mongrel dogs weighing 8~15kg.
The results are as follows :
1) Anoxia is a major factor in acute renal failure, and of it seIf causes renal tubular degeneration.
2) Pronounced reduction of alkaline phosphatases in the proximal tubules and fatty degeneration of Heule's loops were the most previons changes.
3) The interstitial changes may be play a more dominant part than many previous workers attached to them.
4) The toxic injuries revealed widespread tubular degeneration and necrosis. The proximal convoluted tubules were most involved. The ischemic injuries, however, showed patchy degeneration and few or no necrosis in distal convoluted tubules.
5) The glomeruli and the vessels were of ten found to be histologically abnormal
6) Degen rative and regenerativ processes in the tubular epithelium, of ten precent at the same time. And the damaged tubules were repaired from 7 to 10 days.
(author's abstract)

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