[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6722KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(3): 475-485, 1958


The 2nd Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka. (Director : Prof. M. Tomoda)


The effect of infradiaphragmatic vagotomy on cardiac function was a subject taken up, for investigation as one link of a chain of studies on total gastretomy at our clinic. Twenty-three dogs were subjected to infradiaphragmatic vagotomy for the purpose, and the changes in electrocardiograms and blood pressure were observed before, during and after operation with the following results:
1) Neither stomach traction, nor cutting of the anterior and posterior branches of the vagus, nor ligation of the common bile duct produced any abnormal rhythm or disturbance of conduction of excitation in the heart in any electrocardiograms.
2) R-R interval during the whole course of infradiapbragmatic vagotmy was shortened in morphin-urethan anesthesia and lengthened in ether anesthesia. P-Q and Q-Tintervals were changed in length in the sam way as R-R interval.
3) No particular change was observed in P wave. S-T segment did not declin. P and T waves rose in height during operation.
4) The changes brought about in electrocardiograms by infradtaphragmalic vagolomy were the same in normal dogs as in 2 cases of infarction of the cardiac muscle, 4 of obstructive jaundice, 1 of pilocarpine injection, and 2 puppies.
5) Both stomach traction and subdiaphragmatic vagus traction caused a temporary fall in blood pressure in all cases, i.e., in one case of ether anesthesia and two of Luminalsodium anesthesia.
The above results make it conceivable that infradiaphragmatic vagotomy seldom causes. any serious change in the heart and that any serious change, if ever it is caused, is ascribable to various other inducements such, for instance, as anesthesia, heart disease, some systemic condition, etc. It is also presumable that infradiaphragmatic vagotomy is far less dangerous than transthoracic vagotmy.
(author's abstract)

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