[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 11451KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(3): 339-352, 1958


The 2nd Surgical Clinic, Kyushu University Medical School (Director: Prof. M. TOMODA)


A study on the significance of allergy as a cause of gastric ulcer is submitted.
Employing the oral provocation, a method resembled to the natural (clinical) condition, the author experimentally produced allergic changes in the stomach. These changes were formalgenetically investigated and furthermore the effect of allergy on the chronicity of gastric ulcer was followed.
By repeated administration of egg white to dogs sensitized with egg white erosions and ulcers were produced in the mucosa of pyloric glandullar region and in the proximal part of the duodenum. These changes were histologically quite similar with those seen in human gastric ulcer.
Allergic provocation was frequently accompanied by pronounced increase in free hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which gave rise to a suspicion that the allergic gastric changes might result from high acidity of gastric juice. To exclude, therefore, the participation of HCl (especially as a corrosive factor) , a extensive resection of mucosa of the fundic glandullar region (fundusectomy) was carried out in sensitized dogs. These dogs, when orally provoked, again showed erosions in the mucosa of the pyloric glandullar region, which is the site of choice in human gastric ulcer. Histologically the erosions were due to inflammation process as human ulcerative changes.
As those metabolisms which might be related to the production of ulcer showed no abnormality during the experiment, the erosions were considered solely resulting from allergy.
Provocation by denaturated egg white by heating produced the same results as by natural egg white.
The allergic effect on the chronicity of ulcer was studied on the healing of mucosal wound of the stomach. Orally provoked dogs showed protracted healing, and the protraction was more marked in mucosa of pyloric glandullar region than in fundic glandullar region.
From these facts demonstrated by experiments, the following conclusion is induced.
Allergic gastric changes can be causative of erosions, and consequently of ulcer. Allergy itself may be a etiologic factor of human erosive gastritis and duely of gastric ulcer.
Orally provoked allergy can protract the healing of mucosal wound of the stomach. especially of pyloric glandullar region.
(author's abstract)

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