[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 17212KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 59(2): 241-262, 1958


Department of Pathology, Kyushu University (Director: Prof. M. Hashimoto)
2nd Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, (Director: Prof. M. Tomoda), Kyushu University


In this paper the author treats of his study of the liver tissue and the bile in the gall bladder in 13 total gastrectomized dogs and in 3 autopsy cases of agastric patients who had survived total gastrectomy for a long period.
1) In total gastrectomized dogs the changes produced in the liver were · generally; atrophy of the hepatic cell-cords, nuclear pyknosis, decreased stainability and vacuolization of hepatic cells, swelling of Kupffer cells, fat infiltration and cell infiltration, pronounced decrease in the liver glycogen (as determined 24 hours after a meal), elevated activity of alkaline phosphatase, a morphological changes in the mitochondria, the shift of isoelectric point to the alkaline side.
2) These changes in the liver seemed ascribable to a reduced nutritional condition resulting from the decreased food intake after total gastrectomy. In fact, these changes varied in severity according to the degree of postoperative changes in the body weight.
3) In dogs put on restricted diet with their stomach intact, the liver was in the same state as in gastrectomized dogs on restricted diet, the changes produced in it being; atrophy of the hepatic cell-cords, clarification of hepatic cells, fat infiltration, elevated activity of alkaline phosphatase and the shift of isoelectric point to the alkaline side. Only, those changes were less severe in these animals than in total gastrectomized dogs.
4) In 3 autopsy cases of agastric patients who survived total astrectomy 10 yrs. and 4ms., 6 yrs., and 4 yrs. and 8 ms. respectively, the parenchymal changes were similar to that seen in the undernurished total gastrectomized dogs, but in the interstitium irregular hyperplasia of connective tissue was observed. The latter changes made it conceivable, though not certain, that total gastrectomy might result in a long period of time in hyperplasia of irregularly arranged interstitial connective tissue in the liver. But owing to the minority of the investigated cases, further study is required concerning this problem.
5) In bile of the gall bladder, bacillus coli and particles of sand were observed in 2 of 9 total gastrectomized dogs, and gallstone in 1 of 3 autopsy cases of agastric patients. These changes seemed to be related to the total gastrectomy.
(author's abstract)

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