[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9071KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(10): 1619-1630, 1958


Department of Surgery, Showa Medical College (Director: Prof. T. MURAKAMI)

Kichiji UMEZU

The author attempted to study the influence of the continuous narcosis with penthobarbital sodium on 54 cases of post-operative patients and investigated the effect of sedation.
The results obtained were as follows :
1) While the patients was in continuous narcosis, the pain was very slight and he recovered from narcosis he lost the pain from his memories completely.
2) When the patient recovered from narcosis, he forgot the date.
3) When the continuous narcosis was taken in the post-operative period, other local narcotica was not nessesary.
4) During the continuous narcosis, the liver function test must be done by the B.S.P. method and when it is discovered over 30%, no more penthobarbital sodium should be given, and the patient must be recovered from narcosis.
5) During the continuous narcosis excitation of the patient was often fotund. Intravenous administration of Opistan proved to be effective for this phenomen.
6) The delay of returning to normal peristalsis was often found as a side effect of the continuous narcosis The injection of vagostigmin (anti-Ach-ase) was very effective.
7) When the continuous narcosis was employed in the postoperative period, the blood pressure, the rate of pulse and respiration was more nearly to the normal range than when the mothod was not employed.
(author's abstract)

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