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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(10): 1534-1548, 1958


First Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University (The study was made under the direction of Prof. H. Miyake of Kyushu University, and Prof. S. Takita of Tokushima University)

Shyoiti GENDOW

K, Na, Ca and Cl contents in blood plasma, water content in blood and the volume ratio of blood plasma were measured in cat in either blood plasma of the systemic circulation or venous blood at different parts of the mesenterium under conditions of normal, hungry and acute ileus (artificial obstruction of the small intestine) respectively.
1. On the changes in blood plasma of the systemic circulation : In ileus water content in blood and volume raito of blood plasma decreased significantly than in hungry. The K content in blood plasma had tendency to increase during ileus and extent of the increase was greater than in hungry. For Na neither increase nor decrease was observed in both hungry and ileus. Ca content in plasma seemed to decrease in ileus, though it was slight.
As far as Cl was concerned it decreased definitely in ileus though it had a tendency to increase under the condition of hungry.
2. No significant difference was seen in the water content of blood, the volume ratio of blood plasma and Na and Ca contents in plasma, whether it was hungry or ileus, between local and systemic circulation. In the ileus the rate of K increase in local blood plasma was significantly great beginning from the 24th hour and ending to the 3rd day of the obstruction compared with that in systemic circulation, though no significant difference was seen between them in hungry. For the Cl content in blood plasma, though in hungry no obvious difference of the rate of change was seen between local and systemic circulation it decreased in ileus rather significantly in local blood than in systemic circulation after the 24th hour of the obstruction.
3. Detailed comparison among local intestinal bloods : In hungry no obvious changes were observed in water content of blood, volume ratio of plasma and K,Na,Ca and Cl contents in the blood plasma relating to the intestinal places where the blood was taken. Even in ileus the water content of blood, volume ratio of plasma and Na and Ca contents in plasma did not show significant local difference. On the other hand, as fas as the K content in plasma was concerned its increase in ileus was quite interesting; i.e. at the "just above site of obstruction" and the "far below site of obstruction" the increase was more than at the "just below site of obstruction". Moreover, the rate of increase of K content was greater at the "just above site of obstruction" than at the "far below site of obstruction" after the 24th hour of the obstruction. The ratio of K/Ca was greater at the "just above site of obstruction" than at the other places in the intestine and between the "just below site of obstruction" and the "far below site of obstructions" there was no difference. On the Cl content in plasma, though no local difference was seen in hungry, it decreased definitely at the "far below site of obstruction" than at the other places.
4. It was discussed on the mechanism of these changes of blood components in the obstruction of the intestine considering the mechanism of absorption in the intestine and breakdown of the intestinal tissue.
5. The correlation between changes of the inorganic electrolytes in the site of obstruction and the " activity" of the smooth muscle of the intestine, and furthermore the abnormal movement of the intestine under obstruction, was discussed.
(author's abstract)

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