[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 32354KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(10): 1501-1522, 1958


2nd Surgical Clinic, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University (Director: Prof. M. TOMODA)

Toshihisa AKIYOSHI

As an approach to the solution of the problem whether "Leistenspitzenerosion", the precursory stadium of gastric or duodenal ulcer, is caused by primary inflammation, or is caused secondary to the necrosis of the epithelium, the author made an experimental study on the process of demarcation and disappearance of necrosis of the epithelium of gastric mucosa and also on the regeneration of the epithelium. The results obtained are as follows :
1. When 1% HCl is infused into the lumen of dog stomach, the necrosis of the epithelium and interstitial tissue is observed in the stomach and duodenum in all cases on the 3rd hr. after infusion, but on the 6th hr. necrosis is found in all cases in the stomach and in 4 of 5 cases in the duodenum. Later on the 12th hr. 3 of 5 cases in the stomach and 2 of 5 cases in the duodenum show necrosis.
2. In this experiment the author observed the existence of three different types (A,B,C) in the process of demarcation and disappearance of necrosis of the gastric epithelium. Namely, in type A the necrosis of the epithelium is continuous and widespread. In type B the necrosis localizes itself only in few of the epithelial cells. In type C (a), a space is formed between the epithelium and subepithelial interstitual tissue, and the necrosis is demarcated with only the epithelium which then takes a strangulated form. Type C (b) is a mixed form of 3 types above mentioned.
3. The incidence of these types is as follows: Type A: 46.2%. Type B: 100%. Type C (a) : 61.5%. Type C: (b). 38.5%.
4. The regeneration of the epithelium in dog stomach is conspicuously rapid : On the 3rd hr. after 60% alcohol application there are already found flat epithelial cells. On the 6th hr. cubic cells and on the 24th short cylindrical cells with reproduced mucoid substance are observed. On the 2nd day the basement membrane is regenerated and on the 4th day epithelial cells take a form of cylindrical cell with increased mucoid substance so that the regenerated cells become almost identical with the normal epithelium.
5. The isoelectric point of the nuclei of regenerated epithelial cells in dog stomach is lower than normal (shift to the acid side), but on the 4th day it becomes identical with that of normal epithelium nuclei.
6. The potential difference across the gastric wall as measured with electrode on the area of regenerated gastric epithelium differs from that of gastric wall measured with electrode on the normal epithelium of gastric mucosa. This difference demonstrates the major role of the regenerated epithelium of gastric mucosa.
7. The author disclosed that the morphological findings of regenerated epithelium in gastric mucosa agree in general with the functional findings of it as viewed from isoelectric point of cells and potential difference acrose the gastric wall. (author's abstract)

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