[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9969KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(9): 1475-1487, 1957


2nd Surgical Department, Kyushu University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. M. Tomoda)


The author's experimental investigation into the function of the liver in various types of anoxia, hypercapnia, ether anesthesia and anoxia under anestnesia led to the following conclusions.
1. In anoxic anoxia caused by the rebreathing method the rabbit liver began to give signs of its functional disturbance when the inhaled air contained no more than 10% of its volume of oxygen, and the disturbance was conspicuous when the oxygen content was reduced to a 7% level, i. e., when the oxygen saturation of arterial blood had fallen to 30% or less. Clinically, the functional disturbance of the liver in such cases was clearly recognizable in the excitement stage of the respiratory and circulatory systems, and was greatly aggravated with the respiratory standstill and the severe blood pressure fall ensuing.
2. In anoxia due to hemorrhage the function of the rabbit or dog liver became disturbed in proportion to the amount of blood loss. In anoxia due to the action of sodium nitrite administered, on the contrary, liver function in the rabbit showed no signs of severe disturbance even when the substance was given in a dose approximately fatal.
3. Inhaled 20% carbon dioxide had little or no impairing effect on liver function in the rabbit. Progressive hypercapnia and anoxic anoxia produced simultaneously by the rebreathing method had no greater effect on liver function in the rabbit than anoxic anoxia produced alone, indicating that hypercapnia cannot exert any appreciable influence on the function of the liver by itself.
4. Ether anesthesia during 90 minutes produced no marked change in the function of the rabbit liver in case in which oxygen was sufficient in the mean time.
5. In anoxic anoxia caused under anesthesia liver function in the rabbit became disturbed approximately to the same extent as in anoxic anoxia unattended with anesthesia. It is, therefore, essential that by examining the oxygen saturation of arterial blood such a condition be discovered and treated at an early stage.
(author's abstract)

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