[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 10943KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(9): 1325-1339, 1957


First Surgical Department, Hokkaido University Medical School (Director: Prof. Mikami)

Shinsuke OKUMURA

For performing hepatectomy rightly and safely as a radical treatment for liver tumors, liver echinococcus etc. pathophysiological aquirements are important field for contribution to the pre-and postoperative counter plan.
In order to consider the change of remained liver function after partial hepatectomy, especially to catch the times and grades of liver injury, the author has investigated experimentally by both tissue respiration and histological studies.
Rabbits are divided into 14 groups after 1/2 hepatectomy; of 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours, and 2, 3, 5 and 7 days, and 2, 3 and 4 weeks. And every remained liver was examined.
Tissue respirations were measured by OXIGRAPH applied for polarograph, and items of histological studies were hematoxlin-eosin double staining, fat staining with sudan III. and sudan black B, glycogen staining by Hotchkiss' method and Azan-staining by Heidenhein. The results are as follows :
1) Tissue respirations of remained liver descended rapidly in an early stage after hepatectomy and showed the lowest at about 24 hours. Histologically degeneration of the liver were apparent and fatty liver appeared.
2) From 3rd day after hepatectomy, the tissue respirations were superior to normal and became the highest on 5-7 days. At the same time the liver recovered from degeneration gradually and indicated multiplying condition.
3) About 3 week later, both histologically and in finding of tissue respiration, the remained liver recovered to normal.
(author's abstract)

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