[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 17447KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(7): 1111-1134, 1957


Department of Surgery, Osaka City University Medical School (Dirctor: Prof. H. Sawada)

Hirosuke KAWATA

1) Transfusion of incompatible human blood was carried out in normal dog. Portal blood pressure of recipient dog is rised remarkably and after 10-15 secondsarterial blood pressure is falled subdenly.
2) When the transfusion is carried out in dog of which circulation of the liver was shut out (Eck's fistula), fall of arterial pressure is suppressed. It is specially powerfully suppressed by shut out of the hepatic artery.
3) Infusion of water-hemolysed solutions fails the fall of arterial blood pressure of recipient dog, but infusion of hemolysed solutions by means of heterogenous plasma gives the moderate fall.
4) Infusion of histamine, ATP, acetylcholine and adenylacid in the femoral vein of dog falls arterial pressure of recipient dog and secondly portal pressure rises.
But rise of portal pressure was not serious as compared with the incompatible transfusion.
5) Hemolysis after incompatible blood transfusion shows the highest value in the portal vein.
It is not influenced by the splenectomy and shut out of circulation of the liver.
6) Quantity of P33 in the spleen, liver and kidney was determined after infusion of tagged erythrocytes with radioactive phosphor.
7) Heparin controls the complementary activity of plasma and hemolytic reaction in vitro.
When heparin is much infused, it suppresses the intravital hemolysis after incompatible transfusion in vivo, but fails the control of fall of arterial pressure after infusion of ATP and histamine.
8) By previous infusion of the so-called renal ATP-ase, the arterial blood pressur egradually rises and fall of arterial blood pressure after incompatible blood transfusio nis suppressed.
But the fall of arterial blood pressure after histamine, ATP-infusion is not influenced by the previous infusion of the so-called renal ATP-ase at all.
9) By infusion of Contomin, arteriral blood pressure falls gradually and thepres sure after the incompatible blood transfusion is moderately suppressed.
10) By the infusion of Ipsilon, arterial blood pressure gradually rises, but it shows the same drop as the normal dog after the incompatible blood transfusion.
11) It can be called as anti-shock drugs, heparine, ATP-ase and Contomin.
Heparine cannot be applicable in mankind for the consideration of its dosis.
The same use of the Contomin is possible, but it's over dosis is questionable.
I am hopeful of the application of ATP-ase in mankind, their antishock mechanism is only usefnl for its prophylaxis and not therapy.
(author's abstract)

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