[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 28062KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(4): 515-551, 1957


IInd Surgical Deparatment, Yokohama University School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Mikio YAMAGISHI)


Upon the stomach, the influence of thoracolumbar sympathectomy Th6~ L2) with splanchnicectomy performed in the hypertensive and the normal dogs was studied.
The results were as follows :
(1) As for the postoperative function of gastric secretion, such as gastric acidity and volume of the gastric juice or mEq value was found clinically and experimentally to increased remarkably for the first 2~3 months.
(2) As regards the function of gastric motility, various changes of gastric motility and emptying time in sympathectomized patients were observed by means of the gastro-graph and the X-ray examination postoperatively.
(3) Although, there were never found acute gastric ulcer in the sympathectomized patients and dogs, the gastric mucosa and submucous layers showed changes, such as degeneration of epithelium, engorgement of the submucous blood vessels or edema of the submucous layer, in all cases within 2 weeks postoperatively.
These changes mentioned above subsided gradually and showed tendency to return to the normal state within the period from 3 to 6 months respectively.
In the end, the relationship between peptic ulcer and the sympathectomized individuals was discussed, and it was suggested that thoracolumbar sympathectomy may be liable to lead to the gostric ulceration or its aggravation.
(author's abstract)

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