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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(3): 409-427, 1957


Department of Surgery, The First National Hospital of Tokyo.

Shoji Nakano

At present, it may be reasonable to notice that the blood transfusion of preserved blood in surgical operations and other procedures, most of which contains ACD solution and is stored at low temperature, 4° to 6°c. , is generally used without any dangerous side reactions, provided it is used within 3 weeks after withdrawal.
In this study the life-span of the red blood cells of transfused ACD stored blood was followed in 97 patients with gastroduodenal ulcer, gastric carcinma, cholelithiasis, lung tuberculosis, intracranial tumor, tabes, and other malignant tumors, and in normal volunteers.
The life-span which was influenced by various diseases, surgical operations, in various conditions of patients and preservation period of blood, were analysed.
The Kaplens modification of Ashby's technic was used for labeling cells. ACD stored blood was transfused within 3 weeks after withdrawal.
The results are as follows :
1. The curve of the life-span did not necessarily show linear decrease for a week following surgical operation, but took a convex or a concave decrease in half of the cases. It is considered that most probably, various changes of the decreasing curve are caused by blood concentration of patients, but the reticulocyte counts in the blood of patients probably has no relation to the decrease of the life-span.
2. There were no characteristic changes of life-span pertaining to any particular disease. But the destruction of transfused red cells was marked when the disease became progressively severesuch as in malignant tumors, severe inflammation and poor nutrition, though no marked change was seen with a high temperature alone.
3. When the stored blood was used within a week, the life-span of the transfused red cells was as long as that of fresh blood. However, when blood stored over a week was transfused to patients, concluded that the red cells of blood stored for over a week, was more liable to be destructed.
4. When the lesion causing anemia was removed, the decreasing curve of the life-span was changed and the curve recovered almost to normal. But when not removed, no change.
It was conclued that, in order to obtain effective results of ACD stored blood which at present is most widely used, the preservation period should be within a week, especially in cases of malignant tumors, freshly stored blood, gives more effective results.

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