[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12702KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(2): 313-329, 1957


Surgical Department of, Kanto Teishin Hospital (Director: Dr. S. Ishiyama)

Shoichi  SUMIDA

The article represents the distribution of Candida in the human gastrointestinal tract and the experimental studies on its establishment of infection. Candidae were cultured and found in gastrointestinal fluid of patients with various surgical diseases. The incidences were 38.0% in stomach, 23.8% in duodenum, 16.3% in upper jejunum, 20% in lower ileum, 20% in coecum and 28.6% in transverse colon. Candidae were found in higher rate from cancer stomach of the aged patients than that of younger one without cancer. While in colon there were no significant differences between patients with or without high gastric acidity.
68.3% of all candiclae found in gastrointestinal juice belonged to candida albicans. Any antibiotic itself did not promote the growth of candidae in vitro, while we found it in remarkably higher rate in the appendix operated after oral administration of chlortetracycline than in those without administeraion.
In a patient of postgastrectomy pulmonary candidiasis there was a contrary relationship between numbers of candidae and other bacterial flora in sputum, namely the candida albicans increased when antibacterial substances were given and sequently the other bacteria reduced.
In my experimetal study on the intraperitoneal inoculation of candida albicans it was evident that trauma, avitaminosis, undernourishment and reducing of the number of antestestinal bacteriae were the prerequisite to the development of the candida infection.
(author's abstract)

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