[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12848KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(2): 279-293, 1957


Second Department of Surgery, Kyushu University Medical School (Director Prof. M. Tomoda)
Department of Surgery, Nara Medical School (Director: Prof. S. Nakashima)


The isoelectric points of the mucosal epithelium of several different parts of the alimental canal were determined by staining in dogs, and the effect of hydrochloric acid on each of those isoelectric points was examined for comparison. The areas chosen for the purpose were the jejunum, duodenum, and those two different parts of the stomach where the fundic and pyloric glands are distributed, respectively. The following results were obtained.
1) The isoelectric point of both nucleus and cell body was varied in ascending order in the duodenum, jejunum, pyloric and fundic gland areas. It was lower on the nucleus than on the cell body in any area.
2) The isoelectric point of the mucosal epithelium with the fundic or pyloric glands distributed in it was not varied at all whether the epithelium was located in the anterior wall, in the lesser curvature, or in the posterior wall.
3) Fasting for 24 hours has no notable effect on the isoelectric point of the mucosal epithelium in any of the four areas.
4) The isoelectric point of the mucosal epithelium was brought up by hydrochloric acid far more readily it the duodenum and jejunum than in the stomach, in the pyloric than in the fundic gland area. In was not affected in any appreciably different degrees in the duodenum and jejunum.
5) This rise in the isoelectric point due to hydrochloric acid tended to diminish the difference of isoelectric point between the nucleus and cell body.
6) The portions of the alimental canal where the isoelectric point of the epithelium was most susceptible to the action of hydrochloric acid were found to correspond to the areas predisposed to ulceration.
7) The isoelectric point of the mucosal epithelium of the duodenum and jejunum was less affected by stomach juice than by hydrochloric acid in the concentration in which it existed in stomach juice.
8) As will be presumed from the foregoing findings, this experimental investigation has disclosed quantitatively that the mucosal epithelium of the alimental canal is susceptible to the action of hydrochloric acid in different degrees in different areas.
(author's abstract)

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