[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 9158KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(2): 258-269, 1957


The Second Surgical Clinic (Director: Prof. M. Tomoda), Kyushu University Medical School

Keiichi  IKEDA

The author has made histological study of the petechia which occasionally developed in the massive use of the plasma expander Algin (0.3% sodium alginate in 0.9% saline solution, intrinsic viscosity about 0.24), and performed experiments on the development of petechia as viewed from the rate of polymerisation. Further, the influence of the solution of sodium alginate on the sedimentation rate of blood cells and on serum viscosity was compared and discussed between Algin (Intrinsic viscosity about 0.24) and solution of sodium alginate of lower polymerisation (Intrinsic viscosity about 0.072).
1. In 17 cases of adult dogs given Algin in a dosis from 15-40 c.c. per kg. of body weight, there was no case of petechia observed. And there developed in 2 of 6 cases of rabbits similarly treated petechia of slight degree on the flexor side of extremities.
2. The petechia produced in one case of human and in 2 of rabbits were due to hemorrhage in the corium.
3. A solution of sodium alginate, haviiag the same degree of polymerisation as that of Algin, but dissolved in 5% dextrose in place of physiological saline solution, was given in a dosis of 15 c.c. per kg. of body weight to persons in whom Rumpell-Leede's phenomenon was positive. In 4 of the 10 cases there was development of petechia, which suggested insufficiency of this solution on the prevention of petechia.
4. A solution of sodium alginate of lower polymerisation was infused in a dosis of 25 c.c. per kg. of body weight to 15 cases of Rumpell-Leede's phenomenon positive persons, and there was only one case of petechia in this group. Further, in 117 cases of general patients to whom this solution was infused in a dosis from 25-15 cc. per kg. body weight, no case of petechia was detected.
5. The acceleration of the sedimentation rate of blood cells after the use of sodium alginate solution was marked in cases given Algin, and relativeiy slight in those given sodium alginate solution of lower polymerisation.
6. Serum viscosity increased immediately after in cases infused with Algin, but in those given solution of sodium alginate of lower polymerisation only a slight decrease immediately after the infusion was observed and its change remained slight.
(author's abstract)

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