[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 16926KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 57(12): 2052-2071, 1957


Second Department of Surgery and Department of Pathology, Kyushu University Medical School

Ryosuke OHKITA

Experiment :
Rabbits in groups were each kept for 60', 90' or 30', according to the group it belonged to, in a rebreathing apparatus with a balloon filled with 6ℓ. or 1.5ℓ. of air to be rebreathed by animal.
Animals thus treated were examined afterwards as to the pathohistologic changes produced in their organs by the progressive acute anoxic anoxia induced by the time when the oxygen content of the rebreathed air was reduced to 8 to 3 per cent by volume of the total air. A few of the organs were examined cytopathologically and histochemically as well as histopathologically.
1. Morphologically, anoxia-induced impairment of eash organ was observable relatively early as pathologic changes, qualitative and varied in the time of occurrence, in the mitochondria, glycogen and Sudan stainable lipids, all giving signs of the tissue disturbance occurring.
2. The fact that the respiratory activity of intracellular enzymes was disturbed in anoxia was histochemically demonstrable.
3. Different organs were susceptible to anoxia in different degrees: The brain was affected most severely, followed in decreasing order of severity by the adrenal, liver and lung. Different organs were tolerant in different degrees to anoxia: the brain, liver, adrenal and kidney were impaired in anoxia declining order of severity.
4. Examination of animals killed in advanced anoxia showed that the effect of anoxia was varied according to the time in which it was brought up to the fatal level and to the time for which it lasted. Circulatory disturbance was particularly marked, as a rule, in animals subjected to anoxia of short duration whereas the degree of regressive degeneration caused depended more on the intensity of anoxia than or the time in which it was brought up to its fatal degree.
5. The most specific of all changes produced by severe anoxia in different organs was the appearance in the liver and adrenal of clarified swollen cells.
(author's abstract)

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